Reverse engineering is one of the ways in which companies use it to accelerate their product development process. In developing countries, such as Iran, which are far behind advanced countries in designing product and technology, this method is a response to increasing the ability to design and accelerate the process of development.

Reverse engineering is used to retrieve and recognize components of a product, especially if the original design is not available and is used to maintain, expand and develop existing facilities and remanufacture a product.

This is an accepted approach for developing countries. In the process, at first, missing technical information in order to support the production of a product is determined. Then, by conducting a coherent team work, composed of specialists and researchers from various fields of science, along with the proper management and organization of the research and development organization (R & D), they try to obtain the special design and product drawings. Finally, taking into account the specifications, the purpose and the conditions of product design, national and current standards, as well as coverage of unknown points, they try to complete the prototyping and semi-industrial stages and, if necessary, manufacture the product.

Keywords: Reverse engineering - Redesigning - Product design knowledge - Unavailability to the basic design - Reengineering - Sampling production processes - Product manufacturing and production

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